10 Years Financial

₹ crores
Parameters / Year Ind AS IGAAP
2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
Net sales* 11,260 10,390 8,696 7,150 6,839 6,793 6,051 5,335 4,633 4,211 3,437 2,959
Profit before depreciation, interest & tax (PBDIT) ^ 1,692 1,469 1,091 1,181 1,125 990 929 878 849 724 576 466
Profit before interest & tax (PBIT) ^ 1,210 1,004 688 861 824 725 696 684 704 588 509 395
Profit before tax (PBT) 1,211 997 690 873 841 730 714 702 723 610 537 422
Profit after tax (PAT) 906 731 511 647 661 483 471 478 492 411 367 287
Dividends + 137 58 171 85 275 71 107 - 73 62 55 43
Dividend Tax + - - - - 56 15 22 - 15 12 9 7
Retained profits 769 673 340 561 330 398 343 478 404 337 303 236
Share capital 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Reserves and surplus 6,750 5,989 4,534 4,193 3,639 3,318 2,920 2,576 2,099 1,682 1,346 1,043
Net worth 6,768 6,006 4,551 4,210 3,656 3,335 2,937 2,593 2,116 1,700 1,363 1,060
Debt 53 111 23 34 47 58 64 72 74 76 86 88
Deferred tax liability 88 104 31 41 44 96 88 82 54 37 30 20
Funds employed 6,909 6,221 4,606 4,285 3,747 3,490 3,089 2,747 2,244 1,812 1,479 1,167
Net fixed assets 3,122 3,260 2,492 2,455 1,829 1,813 1,703 1,492 1,352 944 623 359
Goodwill++ 428 428 - - - - - - - - - -
Capital work-in-progress 322 234 830 399 827 315 226 240 123 86 145 103
Investments 1,479 486 78 281 156 20 35 147 20 16 16 16
Gross current assets 3,482 3,530 2,976 2,663 2,188 2,348 2,204 1,706 1,456 1,341 1,356 1,292
Current liabilities and provisions 1,924 1,717 1,770 1,512 1,254 1,006 1,080 838 707 576 661 603
Net current assets 1,558 1,813 1,206 1,151 934 1,342 1,124 868 749 766 695 689
Net assets 6,909 6,221 4,606 4,285 3,747 3,490 3,089 2,747 2,244 1,812 1,479 1,167
PBT to Net sales (%) 10.75 9.60 7.93 12.21 12.29 10.75 11.80 13.16 15.60 14.48 15.62 14.26
PAT to Net sales (%) 8.04 7.03 5.88 9.05 9.66 7.12 7.79 8.97 10.61 9.76 10.69 9.69
Return on Assets (ROA)(%) @ 23.13 22.35 18.53 26.32 27.77 24.77 27.38 31.77 40.57 48.49 64.56 59.75
Return on net worth (%) & 14.18 13.84 11.67 16.45 18.91 15.42 17.04 20.32 25.77 26.83 30.33 30.45
Debt : Equity (times) 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.08
Fixed assets turnover (times) # 3.19 3.01 3.28 2.75 3.64 3.65 3.43 3.45 3.18 4.14 5.06 7.52
Earnings per share (₹) 49.49 39.92 29.93 37.87 38.69 28.31 27.59 28.01 28.78 24.05 21.51 16.78
Dividend (%) + 990 610 450 1,100 1,100 708 415 425 425 361 323 252
Dividend per share (₹) 9.90 6.10 4.50 11.00 11.00 7.08 4.15 4.25 4.25 3.61 3.23 2.52
Book value per share (₹) 369.78 328.15 266.46 246.49 214.01 195.26 171.97 151.81 123.87 99.50 79.78 62.05
Share Price (as of 31st March) - (₹) 760.40 579.10 536.40 853.8 478.05 718.95 797.50 890.05 879.55 833.05 394.40 273.65
  •   *Net sales are after reducing excise duty collection from gross sales.
  •   ^ PBDIT and PBIT are net of non operating income and expenditure.
  •    + Under Ind AS final dividend including taxes are accounted only after approval the shareholders in AGM.
  •    + The Finance Act, 2020 has repealed the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT). The Company is now required to pay/distribute dividend after deducting applicable taxes.
  •    ROA is PBIT divided by Average Net Operating Assets (ANOA). Net operating assets exclude CWIP, Goodwill, Cash and Non-Trade Investments.
  •   & Return on networth is computed based on average networth.
  •   #Year end net fixed assets (exluding Goodwill) and manufacturing revenue are considered for computing fixed assets turnover.
  •    ** Figures for these years are as per new accounting standards (Ind AS) and Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013. ROCE and RONW for basis as per Ind AS. Hence these numbers are not comparable with previous years. The figures presented for other years as per IGAAP.
  •    ***Net fixed assets are including Right-of- use asset in view of IND AS 116 ‘Leases’ w.e.f. 1st April 2019.
  •    ++ Goodwill arised on de-merger of Plastic Component for Battery Business of Mangal Industries Limited. (Refer Note No 47 of Standalone Financial Statements.)
  •   ~ FY22-23 Numbers have been restated including Plastic Component for Battery Business of Mangal Industries Limited.(Refer Note No 47 of Standalone Financial Statements.
  •    > Including intangible assets under development.